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2 Workable Ways to Play Spotify på Google Home

Skrivet av Rosie

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-09-14

2 min läs

Spotify is a popular music streaming service used by millions of people worldwide. With its vast collection of songs and personalized playlists, it's no wonder why many want to enjoy their Spotify experience on different devices, including Google Home. In this article, we will explore how you can lek Spotify på Google Home and make the most out of these innovative technologies.

Innehållsguide Kan jag spela Spotify Music on Google Home?Method 1. Link Your Spotify Account to Google HomeMethod 2. Play Ad-Free Spotify on Google Home Without PremiumSlutsats

Kan jag spela Spotify Music on Google Home?

Before diving into the process to play Spotify on Google Home, it's essential to understand the compatibility between Spotify och Googles startsida. Both offer excellent features and functionality but come from different ecosystems. Is is possible to play Spotify on your Google Home speaker?

Luckily, while Google (YouTube Music is Google's primary brand for music streaming) and Spotify är konkurrenter inom musikstreamingtjänsterna, de samarbetar för att låta dig lyssna på Spotify on Google's line of smart speakers, such as Google Home Mini speaker. Not only Spotify, various third-party services are also integrated into Google Home, allowing users to speak voice commands to control interaction with them, including YouTube Music, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, Netflix, YouTube, CNN, CNBC, BBC, and more. New services are integrated on an ongoing basis.

Method 1. Link Your Spotify Account to Google Home

Den sömlösa integrationen av Spotify with Google Home opens up a realm of possibilities for music lovers who appreciate the convenience of voice-controlled systems. Once you set up Spotify on your Google Home, you may want to use it to listen to music. You can use a Google Home as an ordinary Bluetooth speaker and pull up the song you want to listen to on your phone.

Better yet, use your voice to tell Google Assistant what song you want to hear. You can even search by lyrics if you don't remember the name, or tell it to start a playlist of a certain genre.

Kontakta Spotify to Google Home

So, how to play Spotify on Google Home? To get started, you just need to have the Google Home app on Android or iOS installed and set up. This part is going to break down how to link your Spotify account to your Google Home speakers:

Steg 1. Download and open the Google Home app (Android and iPhone) on your smartphone if you haven't have it.

Steg 2. On your device, open the Google Home app. From the homepage, tap + in the top-left corner, then scroll down to Google Assistant Services and choose Music.

Kontakta Spotify To Google Home

Steg 3. Välj sedan Spotify and tap Link Account.

Steg 4. Logga in med din Spotify account on the following pages.

Länk Spotify To Google Home

Steg 5. Also, you will have to agree to give Google specific permissions, such as the ability to view your Spotify account data, view your activity on Spotify, and take actions on Spotify on your behalf. Hit the big green Agree button at the bottom of the page to proceed.

Steg 6. After you've followed the above steps, ‌Spotify will move up into the section called "Your music services" in the Music screen, where you can select it as the default option. You can also tap Unlink underneath Spotify and unlink your account.

Stream Spotify On Google Home

Spela Spotify Music on Google Home Using Voice Commands

Är du redo att spela Spotify on Google Home? After linking your account, Spotify will be the default music provider. Now it's time to make the most out of your Spotify on Google Home smart speakers. If you don't know how you can ask Google Assistant for play Spotify, here are some vocice commands you can try:

It’s not only the Premium version of Spotify that is supported by Google Home smart speakers, but also the free option. However, Premium Spotify users can enjoy certain benefits. These benefits include ad-free listening, download for offline listening, unlimited skips, etc. If you play Spotify on Google Home with a free account, you'll get an interrupted music experience on your smart speaker by limited features. For examoly, you and your guest might listen to toothpaste ads suddenly when you playing a party playlist from Spotify using Google Home.

Method 2. Play Ad-Free Spotify on Google Home Without Premium

Hur man spelar Spotify on Google Home without ads? Well, the easier way is upgrading to Spotify Premium eftersom det erbjuder en reklamfri lyssningsupplevelse. Men i juli 2024, Spotify ökade priset på sina Premium-planer utan att erbjuda en Hi-Fi-funktion. Din månadsvis Spotify räkningen kommer att stiga och är det fortfarande värt att använda Spotify Premie? För att spela annonsfritt Spotify without Premium on Google Home devices, you cannot miss DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter.

Det här programmet kan hjälpa dig att konvertera Spotify podcast, song, playlist and album to MP3, M4A, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, AAC, and ALAC in high quality. Besides, this tool can also ta bort DRM från Spotify. After that, you can get all the Spotify DRM-free downloads and lyssna på Spotify offline for free forever on all your devices. You can also upload them to your mobile smartphone and pair your Google Home device with your phone via Bluetooth. Then you can ask Google to play local music from your mobile phone without ads.

🏅More Key Features of DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter:

Så här använder du DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter:

Hur man spelar Spotify on Google Home without ads? Follow the steps below to use DumpMedia to get DRM-free music on your mobile device:

Steg 1. Ladda ned och installera DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter till din Mac/Windows. Starta den och du kommer att se gränssnittet. Använd din Spotify Premium/gratis konto för att logga in.

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Steg 2. Efter att ha loggat in på webbspelaren kan du bläddra i Spotify library to find any song to play on Google Home. Only by dragging and dropping them to the conversion list (the plus button), all the songs contained will be added to get ready to process the conversion.

Lägg till Spotify Musik till DumpMedia

Steg 3. Anpassa filformat, bithastighet, samplingshastighet och andra utdatainställningar. När det gäller filformatet, DumpMedia erbjuder flera populära filformat. Här rekommenderar vi att välja MP3 som utgångsformat.

Ställ in utdataformat

Steg 4. I det sista steget klickar du på knappen "Konvertera alla" för att börja konvertera alla Spotify låtar till MP3.

Konvertera Spotify Till MP3

Spela Spotify Music on Google Home Using Bluetooth

På bara några minuter kommer du att konvertera Spotify låtar till MP3 online for free, and this music is available for uploading to mobile devices. Then you can pair your smartphone or tablet with Google Home via Bluetooth, and easily stream Spotify downloads directly from your device to the smart speaker. Here's how to do play Spotify on Google Home without ads using Bluetooth:

Steg 1. Connect your mobile device to your computer. Transfer these DRM-free Spotify låtar till den.

Steg 2. Open the Google Home app on Android or iOS. Tap the Devices button in the top right corner or in the left menu. For the Google Home speaker you wish to pair, tap the action overflow button in the top right corner of the card and select Settings. Scroll to the bottom and tap Paired Bluetooth devices. Then, in the bottom right corner, tap Enable Pairing Mode.

Steg 3. Now it’s time to pair your Google Home to your mobile device.

After you've paired your mobile device with the Google Home, it will work like any other Bluetooth speaker. You can play DRM-free Spotify songs locally stored music from your mobile device.


The convenience of streaming your favorite tunes from Spotify to the powerful sound system of Google Home showcases the seamless integration of different technologies to elevate your music listening experience. If you want to play Spotify on Google Home without hearing ads, you can download songs as offline tracks using DumpMedia Spotify Music Converter. After that, you can pair your phone to your Google Home device for playing.

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