如何合併 MP4 文件 Windows 10 輕鬆




“我如何能 merge MP4 files on Win道斯 10?

上述問題是來自嘗試加入或合併的用戶的常見查詢 MP4 videos on their personal computers, specifically a Windows PC. If this has been one of your dilemmas, you surely tried browsing over the web to look for references or guides that will show detailed and understandable procedures of how to merge MP4 files on WinWindows 10的. 如果您還沒有找到可靠的,我們在這裡匯總了所有我們知道對您有很大幫助的要點。

Of course, if you went to a vacation location and you have video clips of those things you did and went to, it would be satisfying and efficient to combine them all into one file rather than watch them one by one. If you are also offering this service (for others – could be for birthday, wedding videos, etc.), it would be great to find out what ways you can try to merge MP4 files on Win道氏 10.

As you read the first part of this post, you will be meeting three tools that will aid in the merging process of those MP4 files that you have using your Windows 10 personal computer. The second part will give you an introduction about a third-party software application that would be so helpful when it comes to editing and merging as well (no hassles, application lags, or issues). And, the last part will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the main topic of discussion in this post – how to merge MP4 files on Win道氏 10.

內容指南 Part 1. How to Merge MP4 Files on Win道斯 10?Part 2. The Best Tool to Edit and Merge MP4 Files on WinWindows 10的第 3 部分。“合併 MP4 文件”的常見問題解答第4部分。摘要

Part 1. How to Merge MP4 Files on Win道斯 10?

As we have stated previously, this part of the article will be showing up the detailed procedure to merge MP4 files on Windows 10 using three tools that are, of course, compatible with Windows 10 PCs - Windows 10 Photos App, Windows Media Player, and VLC Media Player.

How to Merge MP4 Files on Win道瓊指數 10 與 Windows 10 Photos App

Merge MP4 Files on Win道瓊指數 10 與 Windows 10 Photos App

Windows 10 Photos App is actually a built-in application on any Windows PC but is considered underrated since not all users are aware of the things this app is capable of – merging, trimming, rotating of videos, and more.

As this is already pre-installed, getting to install another app on your PC would not be a problem. So, if you are a user who hates the hassles of installing apps, then you can check out how to merge MP4 files on Windows 10 using this.

步驟#1。 使用你的 Windows 10 PC, you have to launch the Photos app first. There would be two options displayed – “Video Editor” or “New Video”. In to begin a new project, you have to select the “New Video” option.

第2步。 您現在可以通過勾選您將立即在屏幕頂部區域看到的“+”按鈕開始導入視頻。 如果您希望添加來自網絡的視頻,您可以這樣做。 當然,您也可以導入保存在 PC 上的視頻。

第 3 步。 您可以通過拖動它們來重新排列您導入的所有剪輯。 在本節中,您還可以進行您想要進行的編輯。 添加效果甚至文本都可以在這裡完成。

Step #4. Once satisfied, you can just tick on the “Finish video” that is at the menu bar. There would be options for the quality of the video, select what you prefer. After doing so, tick on the “Export” button. Finally, you just merged MP4 files on Win道瓊指數10!

How to Merge MP4 Files on Win道瓊指數 10 與 Win陶氏媒體播放器

Merge MP4 Files on Win道瓊指數 10 與 Win陶氏媒體播放器

If you think using the Photos App won’t be for you, you can simply refer to this procedure to be discussed since you can also use the Windows Media Player to merge MP4 files on Win道氏 10.


Step #1. Apart from having the Win您的 dows 媒體播放器 Windows 10 PC, you must have the Windows Media video clip joiner app as well. Have it installed and afterward, restart your PC.

Step #2. Run the Windows Media video clip joiner. Once opened, head to the “File” button, then choose “Add File” in order to select a video.

第 3 步。 您可以根據需要為視頻命名,然後勾選“組合”按鈕將它們組合在一起。

Step #4. Now, all you have to do is to open your Windows Media Player. Then, click “File”, “Add File” in order to play the videos you just merged.

How to Merge MP4 Files on Win帶有 VLC 的 dows 10

Merge MP4 Files on Win帶有 VLC 的 dows 10

If you are not into Windows Media Player, you can also try using the VLC Media Player in order to merge MP4 files on Windows 10. You just have to take note that while using the VLC Media Player, the formats of the clips to merge or join should all be the same.

Here is how you can merge MP4 files on Windows 10 using VLC.

第1步。 打開您的 VLC 媒體播放器。 您將在屏幕頂部區域看到“媒體”按鈕。 會有選項顯示。 從那裡,選擇“打開多個文件...”按鈕。

第2步。 您還將看到“文件”菜單。 勾選“添加”按鈕以導入 MP4 文件。

第 3 步。 您現在需要前往“播放”按鈕。 從您將看到的下拉菜單中,選擇“轉換”。 VLC 會詢問您要將合併的文件保存在哪裡。


Finally, you now know how you can merge MP4 files on Windows 10 using the apps that are free and could be pre-installed on your PC already.


Part 2. The Best Tool to Edit and Merge MP4 Files on WinWindows 10的

There are a lot of tools that can help you merge MP4 files on Windows 10. But, if you are looking for the best, you must then try how DumpMedia 視頻轉換 會幫助你。 確實有幾個應用程序可以合併您的 MP4 剪輯,但只有少數應用程序可以為您帶來更多優勢。

概述 DumpMedia Video Converter,我們已經寫好了這些要點。

免費下載 免費下載

第1步。 安裝 DumpMedia 視頻轉換器並開始上傳您的 MP4 文件

為了使用 DumpMedia Video Converter to merge MP4 files on Windows 10, you must have this DumpMedia 首先在您的 PC 上安裝 Video Converter。 訪問後,您可以看到繼續安裝所需的所有內容 DumpMedia的官方網站。 然後一旦應用程序準備好,就開始上傳這些 MP4 文件以進行合併。


第2步。 選擇您喜歡的格式

由於該應用程序支持多種輸出格式,您必須選擇您喜歡的一種。 在此步驟中,您可以在編輯剪輯時進行任何操作。 該應用程序具有非常簡單的界面,可讓您查看您可能想做的所有事情。 還建議設置合併/轉換後的視頻文件將保存在哪個文件夾中,以便於訪問。


第 3 步。 轉換結束後享受合併的文件

為了下載合併的視頻,您只需要勾選“轉換”按鈕。 如果您想查看概覽,可以將鼠標懸停在應用程序的“最近的項目”部分。


就這麼簡單,您可以將 MP4 文件合併到您的 PC 上! 此外,您還可以自定義新視頻,將其保存為另一種文件格式,並使用 DumpMedia 視頻轉換器!

額外提示:如果你想知道如何 將您的 DVD 轉換為 MP4 格式,你可以參考另一個指南。

第 3 部分。“合併 MP4 文件”的常見問題解答

以下是“合併 MP4 文件”的一些常見問題解答,當然還有它們的答案。

問:如何在 Mac 上合併 MP4 文件?

A: Now, what if instead of Windows 10, you are using a Mac PC? How would you merge your MP4 files then? Well, there are also free tools that a Mac user can use in order to merge the MP4 files that they have. They can either utilize the QuickTime Player or the iMovie app.

問:如何在線合併 MP4 文件?

A:如果您想嘗試通過在線方式進行 MP4 文件的合併,當然也可以這樣做! 有幾個在線工具,其中包括“Clideo”。 在您使用在線和免費網站之前,始終建議檢查一些評論,因為它可能會在安全和隱私方面帶來一些危險。 也可能會遇到隨後可能會損害您的 PC 的病毒。

使用在線和免費工具非常簡單。 使用“Clideo”作為參考,您可以從上傳網站上的文件開始(可以上傳很多文件)。 之後,您可以選擇輸出設置,甚至可以按照您想要的方式調整剪輯的順序,然後勾選“合併”按鈕。 要保存,您只需勾選“下載”按鈕。 一旦處理結束,這應該立即被看到。

問:如何在 iPhone 上合併 MP4 文件?

如果您想嘗試使用 iPhone 合併 MP4 文件,也有一種方法。 iMovie 應用程序在 iPhone 上運行良好。 如果您還沒有它,只需前往 Apple Store,您就可以下載並安裝它。

iMovie 應用程序還有一些您可以在視頻編輯過程中享受的功能,例如添加視頻效果、字幕、修改、裁剪、拆分視頻等等。

問:如何在 Android 上合併 MP4 文件?

如果您有 Android 設備,您可以在視頻編輯過程中將“Kinemaster”作為您的伙伴。 好消息是,您可以在從 Google Play 商店下載該應用程序後免費使用它。 使用“Kinemaster”可以享受許多功能。 安裝並啟動後,您將在屏幕上看到新選項。 您只需要選擇“合併視頻”選項,一切都應該順利進行!


Now that you reached the end of this post, we hope you learned much about how you can merge MP4 files on Windows 10! We’ve added some notes under the FAQs section as well in case you are thinking about how merging would be possible if you are using other devices such as Mac, iPhone, or an Android device.

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